Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Some Income Now!!!!

One of the biggest challenges facing ex-offenders once they get out is earning an income. This can be a daunting task, what with all those nosey questions and what seems to be a universal theme, that pesky backround check.

It's always wise to be upfront with any prospective employer about your backround.

  • Number one, it puts you in the driver's seat. You've been upfront and honest and they can't take away from you.

  • Number two, they're going to find out anyway, so it's best that they hear it from you.

  • Then there is always the possibility of self employment. What skills did you learn in prison that could translate to a need in the civilian world?

    Well if you have ever even touched a computer, I may have something for you that can put money in your pocket right now! For the small cost of $7.00, you can instantly download the following eBook report.

  • $7 Secrets, A Must Have eBook Report!

  • I bought it myself two days ago and just put the link up on three of my blogs. I have already made my money back and then some. Even if you have limited computer skills, you can still make this report work for you. Blogs are free. Get a blog up, join blogging groups, get your blog noticed and you can sell the report yourself. It's so easy my 12 year daughter can do it.


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